Paris, France

We couldn’t start this list any other way. If you’ve heard of Paris, you’ve heard of the Eiffel Tower. And if you’v...

Ana Esakia 10 Aug, 202232 reads

When we reach the comfort or goal that we have in mind, we still retur...

Portrait of psychology 7 Mar, 202240 reads

"We Don’t Talk About Bruno, " the surprise hit off the "Encanto" sound...

Perreau Magazine 1 Feb, 202230 reads

1. “The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if...

mariam mebuke 18 Jan, 202221 reads

Award-winning rapper Eminem has joined the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)...

CryptoBlog 2 Jan, 202239 reads
Mia Bregvadze 22 Dec, 202128 reads

The singer shared that she just made the cut-off, as she turned 29 las...

Perreau Magazine 4 Dec, 202164 reads

All problems and suffering are in our heads, where we ourselves create resistances, fears, worries... . And the mor...

Portrait of psychology 30 Nov, 202132 reads

Often people do not allow themselves to have their wishes come true. I...

Portrait of psychology 8 Nov, 202111 reads

We are attracted by what is hidden from our eyes. This attraction is like a code that is programmed into us. Thanks...

Portrait of psychology 26 Oct, 20218 reads

Sometimes we suppress our emotions without even having time to recognize them. Ignoring our true feelings, they lea...

Portrait of psychology 12 Oct, 202180 reads